Author Archives: The French Fury
Dusted off my wide angle lens and chased the cats with it for test shots ((I’ve been thinking about letting go of it, since I don’t use it much anymore.)). I am aware that there is an inordinate amount of pussy photos on this here blog thing. I am also aware than I am this.close […]
I was going through a box of old photos and came across a few from my high school graduation. I didn’t spend a lot of time in the LAUSD, just enough to realise that school in the US is EXACTLY as it is in the movies, and that I hated it. I mean, I walked […]
This calico beast is my neighbours cat. She’s tried several times to come in as I am leaving the house. I suspect she has a crush on Montag, and wants to play with him. Who can blame her, he IS charming.
I left this morning only to get to the back lot and remember that I’d forgotten to take some outgoing mail with me. When I opened the door, Montag was on top of the stairs, looking forlorn. That, or he was just making sure I was properly gone and off the lot so he could […]
When I moved to the US 13 years ago, it was with 1 suitcase full of clothing and few odds and ends. These are the things my 16 year old self deemed indispensable.
Walked in this morning to the news that someone had broken the coffee pot. Then, as I felt myself dying inside, I caught a glimpse of Betty’s roadkill toy. That’s when I knew things were looking up. I’m easy that way.
I keep forgetting these frames exist until I have to go into my office to drunkenly write invoices or something, and there they are on my desk, lensless. It’s been months now. I really want to wear them, but that would involve a trip to the optometrist, and mingling with the English, and actually leaving […]
Montag has been loving ribbons lately, and keeps finding them and hiding them in the bed. I wake up to a new ribbon every day, and I’m not even sure where he gets them from.
Got a message on Sunday to go in to work at 0100pm. Ended up staying well past 0230am. Fun times.